Helton Cottage
Located in Greensboro, Alabama

Throughout the Years

Client Profile
This home was bought for the Client's Bryn and Erin, who have recently moved to Greensboro, AL. They have purchased the house at a very reasonable price in the downtown area off of Market Street. Due to legal restrictions, we are not allowed to change the front of the house. Therefore we can only add on to the back. The client's would like to keep the home's original character while renovating to fit their needs and interests.
Bethanne Hill is a folk artist that is a friend of Bryn and Erin. Bethanne as donated and gifted the clients several pieces that will be included in the project

Butch Anthony is a folk artist that is also a friend of Bryn and Erin. Butch as given the clients several pieces of his portrait collection to be displayed in Bryn's office.
Folk Art
Folk art is the expression of today's traditional cultural world. Bryn and Erin want to incorporate their friends work into their home as well as their own. Bryn enjoys keeping findings on their vacations to create a resin mold of the special pieces. Erin is a textile artist with her own space down the street, on Main Street.
Floor Plan & Furniture Plan

The home office will create a warm yet professional look with the dark blues and different tones of brown. This office is for Bryn because of the necessities of his join and from working from home.

The paintings on the walls are ones that have been donated by Butch Anthony. Bethanne Hill has custom designed a few pieces for Bren.
The first piece is the pillow on his office chair. The other pieces are the chess table and pawns. Instead of doing normal white and black she has put her “Mossy Night” in place of the black and has changed the white to ivory. The chess pieces have the print on them as well.
Office Materials
